Search IEEE Conferences

Discover IEEE Conferences Around the Globe

Use our search tool to find information about IEEE conferences taking place around the world. Search by keyword and then refine your search by date, location, sponsor, or field of interest. Sort your results by relevance, conference title, conference dates, or location. You can also add an event to your calendar, request to edit your conference in our database, or email a conference organizer.

conference search screenshot

Looking for Publication Opportunities?

With PubRecommender, authors have a variety of search options at their fingertips, including searches based on article keywords, titles, abstract text, or via a full article upload. Results are presented in an organized, sortable table, and authors can download or share links to their results. Finally, once authors have chosen the best fit for their articles, PubRecommender provides links to the chosen article submission websites to begin the peer review process for their work.

screenshot of publication recommender

We Are Here to Help

If you have questions about IEEE Conference or publication opportunities, please contact the CEE team.