GDPR and IEEE Events
What is GDPR? How does it affect IEEE events? Answers to these questions, and more, can be found below!
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What is GDPR?
The GDPR (“General Data Protection Regulation”) is a European regulation that mandates the rules for personal data protection. It enforces new rights for individuals whose data is collected and obligations for those responsible for the processing of this data. Personal data is considered to be all information used to identify a person (name, address, date of birth, location, IP address, etc.); this applies to all event organizers and event registration platforms, mobile applications or business meeting platforms.
The Impact of GDPR on IEEE Events
While GDPR is an European Union (EU) regulation, IEEE has taken on the responsibility to treat all participants of IEEE events with the same level of protection and security regarding their personal information regardless of whether they are an EU citizen or not.
What does “Consent” mean under GDPR?
Consent must be an active, explicit, free, specific, and informed action; a data subject (event attendee) giving permission (through consent capture questions) to the processing of their personal data (information).
Additional Resources
Read GDPR Guides, visit Helpful Links, and get your questions answered by an FAQ: