Preparing Papers & Checking for Plagiarism

The following tools for paper preparation and plagiarism-checking are free to all conferences that are enrolled in the IEEE Conference Publications Program.


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What Is PDF eXpress?

PDF eXpress, is an online IEEE-financed author tool that assists IEEE conference organizers in obtaining IEEE Xplore®-compatible PDFs from their authors. This tool is free to all conferences that are enrolled in the IEEE Conference Publications Program.

Please note: The manuscript collection site can be used for author deposits of their validated PDF on the site for collection by the conference’s publications or Technical Program Chair.

You can apply for PDF eXpress within your publication form or register later, after you have received your Letter of Acquisition (LOA). To register later, please enter your five-digit conference record number in the field “Register for PDF eXpress.”

How PDF eXpress Works

Step 1: The Conference Organizer requests a PDF eXpress site when completing the IEEE Conference Publication Form.

Step 2: A customized PDF eXpress Web page is created and is available exclusively to your conference authors.

Step 3: After the PDF eXpress site has been created, IEEE PDF support provides you with instructions to post on your conference Web site for your authors. These instructions reference the conference’s Letter of Acquisition and address the requirement of placing the appropriate copyright footer on each paper. Please be sure that all authors receive these important instructions.

Step 4: Prior to submitting their final papers, authors visit your conference’s PDF eXpress site to either:

  • convert their papers from their source application formats to IEEE Xplore®-compatible PDFs, or
  • check existing PDFs to determine if they are IEEE Xplore®-compatible (and how to fix the PDFs if they are not).

Step 5: As soon as your authors verify that their PDFs are IEEE Xplore®-compatible, they send these PDFs to you or your production team.

Step 6: Each PDF needs to be checked to verify that the creation date matches the last modified date. If the dates don’t match, inform the author that the PDF cannot be accepted because the modification may have jeopardized IEEE Xplore® compatibility.

Step 7: Once you have your conference’s certified PDFs, you are ready to prepare the Conference Content for the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library.


The IEEE CrossCheck Portal is available to all conference organizers and periodical editors to help screen papers for plagiarized material. The IPR Office partnered with the IEEE Publications Technology department to develop the CrossCheck Portal as a stand-alone web application that can be used by any publications volunteer at any time.

Suggested Courses

We recommend the following courses in the IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence (CLE).  First, use your IEEE Account to log in to the CLE and then click the View Course link to go directly to the recommended course.

We Are Here to Help

If you have questions about preparing papers & checking for plagiarism, please contact the CEE team.